Compliance Audits

Every department with a procurement card program will be subject to compliance audits.

These audits may be performed by the program administrators, internal auditors, or external auditors. Audits will check for compliance with the university’s Business Expense Policy and will include testing for:

  • Receipts attached to Expense Reports
  • Transactions that were not substantiated on an expense report within 60 days
  • Unallowable purchases and practices
  • Physical audit to verify the existence of non-consumable items, whether capitalizable (item $5,000 or more), or not (e.g. computers, cameras, etc).
  • Other compliance issues as needed

Audits showing non-compliance may result in the suspension of procurement cards or the cancellation of the department’s procurement card program.

University Compliance Hotline

Reports of suspected theft, embezzlement, or misuse of University assets may be reported on the University Compliance Hotline at (314) 362-4998.  All calls to this hotline are anonymous, unless you choose to leave your name and number so you can be confidentially contacted if more information is needed.  These matters will be investigated by the Office of University Compliance or Internal Audit.