Sponsored Projects Accounting is the financial intermediary between sponsors of research and Washington University in St. Louis investigators. It is the primary source for interpretation of relevant rules, regulations and laws governing incurring, reimbursing and reporting costs under sponsored-research agreements.
Please click here for SPA office location and contacts.
Note: SPA is currently updating several Policies and Guidelines to reflect Workday and Research Management Systems references and functionality (Spring 2023)
Additional Resources
Additional resources for faculty and staff
Annual Reports
OMB A-133 Report, SPA Annual Report, Uniform Guidance
Award Management
Award management in SPA
Cost Sharing
Policy and procedures
FDP at Washington University
Financial Closeout & Reporting Guidelines
Guidelines for closing out a sponsored fund
Fixed Price Agreement Balances
Policy and procedures
Non-Personnel Costs
Polices regarding non-personnel on sponsored funds
Off Campus Policy and Procedures
Policy and procedures
Personnel Costs
Additional Pay
Program Income
Policy and procedures
Resources & Training
SPA Resources and Training
Sponsored Expenditures Guidelines
Sponsored Expenditures Guidelines
Sponsored Projects Accounting Office
Office location and contacts
Subrecipient Monitoring
Policy and procedures