The university launched the asset tagging and inventory process of moveable capitalized (cost > $5,000) equipment in January 2019. RFID tags versus barcode tags are used where possible which will establish efficiencies with inventories in the future. This was in response to the Facilities and Administrative cost recovery rate negotiations that the university implement a more effective solution to monitor assets. We recognize the importance of safeguarding assets and have implemented enhanced control procedures. In addition this will provide a clean baseline to integrate with Workday.

The university has partnered with HCA Asset Management, LLC to complete the inventory and asset tagging.  This project began in January 2019 and is continuing.

Please visit this site regularly for additional updates.

Asset Tagging Correspondence – February 9, 2024

Asset Tagging Correspondence – January 19, 2023

Town Hall Meetings January 16, 2019 Slide Presentation

Schedule for Asset Tagging  – FY22 February – March Visit

Moveable Capitalized Equipment Asset Inventory and Tagging FAQ’s


Contact Cindy Bugg

Email Cindy