Tuition and fees are due in full by the statement due date. Balances remaining on the account after the due date will be subject to a 2% late fee each month the outstanding balance remains on the account.

Holds can be placed on the account until the balance is paid in full. A student accounting hold will prevent a student from adding/dropping classes, adding campus card points, and registering for classes.

Undergraduate and Graduate Activity fees support student groups to develop engaging and unique activities, programs and initiatives on campus.

Student Health and Wellness fee provides access to health and wellness facilities and programming on campus, like the clinics and gym.  This fee is different from the health insurance charge.  Washington University has a student health and wellness fee designed to improve the health and wellness of the entire Washington University community.  For more information, please visit Student Health Services.

For questions about fees or holds please contact Student Accounting at (314)935-5274 or

Logins and Billing Statements

Online statements available to students and authorized users

Fees & Holds

How to avoid a late fee or hold on your student account

Payment Options

Acceptable forms of payments for student accounts

Student Refunds

How to receive a refund on a student account

Tax Incentives

IRS tax deductions and credits, 1098T information

Third Party Billings

Instructions for setting up a third party payment

Contact Student Accounting

Contact phone number and email address

Financial Responsibility Agreement

Financial Responsibility Agreement applies to existing and future balances regardless of whether the balance is the result of a prior payment period.

Workday Access for Families

Workday Access for Families