WashU is making big changes in 2025 to better support your students and the faculty and staff who advise and teach them.

We are saying goodbye to a 30-year-old suite of systems that we use to manage student records, course registration, advising and tuition, and saying hello to a new system called Workday. Find out more about how the transition affects you and your student.

Log in here to Workday


Tutorial: Workday Access for Parents and Families

In Workday, students can give you access to view some information on their record, including financial statements and take actions such as making a payment on their behalf.

Getting Started

  • Students need to add any authorized users, such as family members, to Workday. Within Workday, students can select what their authorized users can do or see.
  • Students must enter an active email address when giving third-party access to friends and family.
  • Authorized third parties will receive an email notification prompting them to set up their own Workday account.
  • If an individual has multiple WashU student affiliations (e.g., a parent with two WashU students), they would be able to see both WashU students under one login. Each student would need to grant the individual access separately. However, the WashU Workday login does not work across various institutions that use Workday. If a person has a student at WashU and one at another university using Workday, they’ll receive separate logins for each institution’s functionality, not one.
  • In the Workday mobile app, family members can only view and print student statements.  For other tasks, use a browser on a mobile device.
  • If you’re a WashU employee and a student grants you third-party access, you can use the Link Existing Workday Account task to link both your worker and third-party accounts.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Log in to your Workday account for first time

When a student sets up third-party access in Workday, they must enter your email address. Then, you’ll receive email notifications prompting you to set up your own Workday account.

  1. Open the two emails from Workday. The first email includes your username and a link. The second includes your temporary password.
  2. Click the link included in the first email. Save this link as a favorite to quickly access Workday in the future.
  3. Enter your username and temporary password.
  4. Click Sign In.
  5. To change your password, first enter the old password.
  6. Enter a new password and verify it.
  7. Click Submit.

View account activity

  1. In Workday, select the Third-Party Dashboard on the homepage.
  2. Click the Finances
  3. Click View Account Activity as Third Party.
  4. Choose the student. The student’s name may automatically populate if you have access to just one WashU student.
  5. For Institution, select Washington University in St. Louis.
  6. Click OK.
  7. See the student’s total account and due now balances.
  8. Under the Transaction Summary tab, see all transactions on the student’s account.
  9. Under the Due Now Details tab, see totals for:
  10. Past due charges
  11. Current due charges
  12. Anticipated payments
  13. To make a payment directly from this page, click Make a Payment. See below section of this tutorial for step-by-step instructions for making a payment.
  14. To view a statement, click View Statement. See below section of this tutorial for step-by-step instructions for viewing a statement.

Make a payment as a third party

  1. In Workday, select the Third-Party Dashboard on the homepage.
  2. Click the Finances
  3. Click Make a Payment as Third Party.
  4. Choose the student. The student’s name may automatically populate if you have access to just one WashU student.
  5. For Institution, select Washington University in St. Louis.
  6. Click OK.
  7. For Payment Description, select General Payment – ACH. You must have your bank account defined in the Payment Elections
  8. Tip: Only students can create a payment plan in Workday. While authorized third-parties (e.g. family members) can see and make payments on that plan, they cannot create one.
  9. Enter a payment amount.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Select the Confirm
  12. Click OK to make the payment.
  13. Click Done.

View student statement as a third party

A student statement shows all financial activity for a single academic period.

  1. In Workday, select the Third-Party Dashboard on the homepage.
  2. Click the Finances
  3. Click View Student Statement as Third Party.
  4. Choose the student. The student’s name may automatically populate if you have access to just one WashU student.
  5. Choose an academic period.
  6. Click
  7. Explore the student statement:
Table Shows
Charges See tuition and fees (e.g., A&S undergraduate tuition).
Applied payments See payments that have been applied to charges, including general payments, waivers, and awards.


Note: Workday applies payments to charges using precedence group rules. These control which charge items a payment can cover (e.g., tuition only) and which charges to pay first (e.g., oldest charges).

Unapplied payments  See payments made to the student’s account that haven’t been applied to charges yet.
Anticipated payments See sponsor contract payments and awards that have not yet been disbursed.
Pending refunds See refunds that are in the approval process that have not yet settled.
Refunds See payments delivered back to the student from refundable payments, awards, and sponsor contracts.
Courses See the student’s courses, registration status, and credit hours.

Note: If any of these tables do not appear on the student statement, it is because there is no data to display. For example, the Payment table is hidden if no payments have been made in the chosen academic period.

  1. To view the statement as a PDF, click Generate PDF. The PDF appears in your notifications.
  2. To view a statement for a different academic period, click View a Different Statement.
  3. To make a payment directly from this statement, click Make a Payment. See above section of this tutorial for step-by-step instructions for making a payment.

Merge third party account with existing WashU Workday account

If you already have an existing WashU Workday account, you can merge the two accounts.

  1. In Workday, signed in as a third party, search for and select the Link Existing Workday Account task directly from the homepage.
  2. Enter your First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Phone Number.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Workday will send a notification to your existing Workday account with next steps on how to merge the two accounts.


Logins and Billing Statements

Online statements available to students and authorized users

Fees & Holds

How to avoid a late fee or hold on your student account

Payment Options

Acceptable forms of payments for student accounts

Student Refunds

How to receive a refund on a student account

Tax Incentives

IRS tax deductions and credits, 1098T information

Third Party Billings

Instructions for setting up a third party payment

Contact Student Accounting

Contact phone number and email address

Financial Responsibility Agreement

Financial Responsibility Agreement applies to existing and future balances regardless of whether the balance is the result of a prior payment period.

Coming Soon – Workday

Workday Access for Parents and Families